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What is RI MomsPRN?

Behavioral health conditions have adverse impacts on the health of perinatal individuals and their children, and are often under recognized, underdiagnosed, and undertreated. To help providers address the behavioral health needs of pregnant and postpartum women in Rhode Island, the Rhode Island Department of Health (RIDOH), the Care Transformation Collaborative of Rhode Island (CTC), and the Center for Women's Behavioral Health (CWBH) at Women & Infants Hospital have partnered to create the Rhode Island Maternal Psychiatry Resource Network (RI MomsPRN) Program.

This new statewide program launched in 2019 and is modeled after Rhode Island’s successful Pediatric Psychiatry Resource Network (PediPRN) Program. RI MomsPRN seeks to build the capacity of providers to screen for behavioral health and substance use disorders in their pregnant and postpartum patients, and respond with appropriate treatment and referral by offering two levels of provider support.

The first support offered is a free psychiatry teleconsultation service for any provider treating pregnant and/or postpartum patients, who are welcome to call 401-430-2800, Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. or email RIMomsPRN@CareNE.org for a call back. This telephone service is staffed by a team of perinatal behavioral health experts from the CWBH, including a resource and referral specialist, perinatal psychiatrist, and perinatal psychologist. They are available to help with diagnosis, treatment planning, and medication safety and can also provide resource and referral support to community-based treatment and support services. Please note this is not a crisis line nor patient facing. To learn more about this service, please click here.

The other support offered is virtual quality improvement services for select practices across the state, which is provided by CTC in collaboration with RIDOH and CWBH. Selected practices participate in a 15-month long learning collaborative to optimize screening, treatment, and referral workflows for depression, anxiety, and substance use among for their attributed perinatal patients. We welcome the current cohort of practices participating in the RI MomsPRN Perinatal Behavioral Health Quality Improvement Initiative. Highlighted below are resources and documents discussed in the RI MomsPRN kick-off learning collaborative session and subsequent learning collaborative meetings. If you have questions about these resources, please reach out to a CTC practice facilitator.

Practice Facillitators - Cohort 3:


Cohort 3 - Additional Materials
Cohort 3 - Application Materials
Kickoff Resource Binder - Cohort 3
Kickoff Resource Binder - Cohort 2
Cohort 2 Additional Resources
Kickoff Resource Binder -Cohort 1

ECHO Registration

Our Mission

The mission of CTC-RI is to support the continuing transformation of primary care in Rhode Island as the foundation of an ever-improving integrated, accessible, affordable, and equitable health care system.  CTC-RI brings together critical stakeholders to implement, evaluate and spread effective multi-payer models to deliver, pay for and sustain high-quality, comprehensive, accountable primary care.