What is PCMH-Kids?

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PCMH-Kids is a multi-payer, primary care payment and delivery system reform initiative that was convened in 2013 to extend the transformation of primary care to practices that serve children across Rhode Island.

In April 2015, nine primary care practices joined the pilot cohort of PCMH-Kids to spread the CTC-RI model of transformation to
practices serving children.

A sub-group of the PCMH-Kids Stakeholder Committee, including physicians, payers, community organizations, state agencies, and consumer representatives, reviewed applications and selected the diverse pilot cohort. The practices represent a mix of Federally Qualified Health Centers, hospital-based clinics, and small and large physician practices throughout the state. Totaling 70 providers serving approximately 30,000 children, the practices support a significant proportion of the Medicaid population (approximately 14,000 children) and children with special health care needs.


To engage providers, payers, patients, parents, purchasers and policy makers to develop high quality, family and patient-centered, medical homes for children and youth that will assure optimal health and development,  a commitment to quality measurement, accountability for costs and outcomes, a focus on population health, and dedication to data-drive system improvement. PCMH’s for children will be cost effective and sustainably resourced.


All children and youth in RI will be cared for in high quality, family and patient centered, medical homes.  Rhode Island’s children and youth will grow up healthy and reach their optimal potential.

Linkages between primary care and maternal-child health practitioners in Rhode Island

Our Mission

The mission of CTC-RI is to support the continuing transformation of primary care in Rhode Island as the foundation of an ever-improving integrated, accessible, affordable, and equitable health care system.  CTC-RI brings together critical stakeholders to implement, evaluate and spread effective multi-payer models to deliver, pay for and sustain high-quality, comprehensive, accountable primary care.