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Nurse Care Manager/Care Coordinator (NCM/CC) Best Practice Sharing Meeting

  • 01 Jul 2020

Over 50 Nurse Care Managers/Care Coordinators (NCM/CC) virtually attended the June 16 best practice sharing meeting. Pediatric NCM/CC who recently completed the GLearn Core Curriculum training program presented their capstone care management presentations. Pediatric NCM/CC were supported in their learning by CTC/PMCH KIDS GLearn faculty member and subject matter expert Gail Davis.

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Our Mission

The mission of CTC-RI is to support the continuing transformation of primary care in Rhode Island as the foundation of an ever-improving integrated, accessible, affordable, and equitable health care system.  CTC-RI brings together critical stakeholders to implement, evaluate and spread effective multi-payer models to deliver, pay for and sustain high-quality, comprehensive, accountable primary care.