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Medicaid Pediatric Healthcare Recovery Program February Update

  • 14 Feb 2023

Medicaid Pediatric Healthcare Recovery Program – Year 2 Update 75% of practices enrolled in the Medicaid Pediatric Healthcare Recovery Program met 3 out of 4 January immunization / lead screening targets or improvement targets. Practices that achieved this milestone should have received their payment by February 13.

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Quarterly Integrated Behavioral Health Committee Meeting

  • 14 Feb 2023

CTC-RI hosted the Quarterly Integrated Behavioral Health (IBH) Committee Meeting in February, bringing together over 30 RI professionals in the field for a great discussion. Attendees from several practices across the state joined the conversation, as well as members of community based service organizations, and insurance providers.

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Health Transfer of Care Quality Improvement Project White Paper

  • 14 Feb 2023

In April 2021, with funding from the RI Department of Health and Tufts Health Plan and technical support from the National Alliance to Advance Adolescent Health, CTC-RI piloted a quality improvement initiative that focused on transitions of care from pediatric to adult practices.

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Our Mission

The mission of CTC-RI is to support the continuing transformation of primary care in Rhode Island as the foundation of an ever-improving integrated, accessible, affordable, and equitable health care system.  CTC-RI brings together critical stakeholders to implement, evaluate and spread effective multi-payer models to deliver, pay for and sustain high-quality, comprehensive, accountable primary care.