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July 2024


November Clinical Strategy Meeting Focuses on Next Generation Affordability Standards

  • 13 Dec 2022

The entire November Clinical Strategy Committee (CSC) meeting focused on the Next Generation Affordability Standards led by Cory King, OHIC Chief of Staff. A good deal of discussion occurred, including key highlighted areas of child and adolescent behavioral health spend, health equity, professional provider contract review, and a recalibration of primary care APM targets.

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Breakfast of Champions Explores Unconscious Bias and Psychological Safety

  • 13 Dec 2022

The December learning collaborative was a part 2 discussion on implicit bias with a focus on building psychological safety in diverse health care teams to promote maximum effectiveness and improve equity for patients. An impressive panel discussion was moderated by Patricia Flanagan, MD. Panelists included Rob Jones, Chief Empowerment Officer of T.

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Best Practices in Team-Based Care: Improving Lead Screening

  • 12 Dec 2022

Dr. Beata Nelken kicked off the November Best Practices in Team-Based Care meeting by sharing best practice strategies used at Jenks Park Pediatrics to improve lead screening, which included purchasing a van to assist patients with transportation needs to their appointments, setting up an in-office lead screening workflow, and partnering with Lifespan labs.

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Update on Medicaid Pediatric Healthcare Recovery Program – Year 2

  • 12 Dec 2022

All practices participating in the Medicaid Pediatric Healthcare Recovery Program (Year 2) are encouraged to attend the February 2 (moved from January 5), Improving Child Health in RI (formerly PCMH Kids Stakeholder) meeting where new KIDSNET immunization reports will be shared with practices. (Zoom information below.)

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Spotlight: Gregory Steinmetz, MD, Associates in Primary Care Medicine

  • 22 Nov 2022

CTC-RI recently held a Year 2 midpoint meeting for practices participating in the NCQA Behavioral Health (BH) Distinction Readiness Collaborative. We asked Gregory Steinmetz, MD of Associates in Primary Care Medicine, to reflect on how receiving the Distinction has benefited his practice and his patients.


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Our Mission

The mission of CTC-RI is to support the continuing transformation of primary care in Rhode Island as the foundation of an ever-improving integrated, accessible, affordable, and equitable health care system.  CTC-RI brings together critical stakeholders to implement, evaluate and spread effective multi-payer models to deliver, pay for and sustain high-quality, comprehensive, accountable primary care.