News and Articles

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Healthy Happy Teams Presents at Board of Directors Meeting

  • 09 May 2024

At our April Board of Directors meeting, CTC-RI reviewed the recently completed project, “Healthy Happy Teams”. This was presented by Dr. Nelly Burdette, CTC-RI Senior Integrated Behavioral Health Program Leader and Boston Medical Center Director of Population Behavioral Health.

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CTC Seeks Support for Primary Care Workforce Legislation

  • 08 May 2024

The struggle to find a primary care provider or pediatrician in Rhode Island continues to worsen as providers leave practice in record numbers.  Rhode Islanders have nowhere to go to get care.  CTC-RI and the Rhode Ahead Initiatives are two public/private partnerships that have been working to address the crisis in access to primary care and the lack of culturally appropriate and linguistically

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Monthly CBO Spotlight: Family Service of Rhode Island

  • 01 May 2024

Our primary care transformation efforts often include the support and partnership of community-based organizations (CBOs) statewide. CTC-RI is spotlighting a different CBO each month to recognize and appreciate their work in our communities.

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Clinical Strategy Committee Meetings

  • 18 Apr 2024

The April Clinical Strategy Committee meeting focused on approaches to comprehensive primary care and high-risk care management under prepayment and global risk. This presentation was moderated by Pano Yeracaris, MD, MPH, CTC-RI Chief Clinical Strategist.

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Our Mission

The mission of CTC-RI is to support the continuing transformation of primary care in Rhode Island as the foundation of an ever-improving integrated, accessible, affordable, and equitable health care system.  CTC-RI brings together critical stakeholders to implement, evaluate and spread effective multi-payer models to deliver, pay for and sustain high-quality, comprehensive, accountable primary care.