December Quarterly Integrated Behavioral Health Committee Meeting: Focus on Policy and Research Initiatives

  • 23 Dec 2019

At the December 12 Integrated Behavioral Health (IBH) Committee meeting, Kathryn Power, the newly appointed chairwoman of the Rhode Island Governor's Council on Behavioral Health, introduced herself and discussed the preliminary plans for the RI Governor's Council on Behavioral Health. Marea Tumber reviewed the proposed Affordability Standards to Support Integrated Behavioral Health, sharing proposed regulations and key dates for providing feedback to OHIC. Draft regulations are posted for public comment until January 16. Susanne Campbell is collecting feedback & comments within the CTC community. If anyone is interested in contributing, please send your comments to by January 10. Chantele Rotolo, shared the work being done in Accountable Entities to address behavioral health integration. Bart Laws and Stephen Gumbley led a discussion on the IBH Research Agenda for RI.