Clinical Strategy Committee
The October Clinical Strategy Committee (CSC) meeting featured an RIQI presentation by Neil Sarkar, PhD, RIQI President and CEO on Developing a System and Approach for Identifying and Addressing Disparities in Access to Testing and Vaccination for COVID-19. The 2nd half of the meeting included 2 workforce well-being presentations. Stephen Kogut, PhD MBA RPh, URI Pharmacoeconomics and Health Outcomes Research shared the Pharmacy Quality Improvement results of the “Survey of Clinician Well-Being” conducted during summer 2021. Following up was Randi Belhumeur, MS RD LDN CDOE, RIDOH Health Systems Transformation, Administrator/Policy Liaison, presenting an overview of the CDC award, “Community Health Workers for COVID Response and Resilient Communities.”
For the November CSC, the first part of the meeting will be a discussion of CTC-RI Board of Directors strategic planning and 2022-23 CSC priorities. Following will be workforce well-being with participation by Rick Brooks, Executive Director R.I. Governors Workforce Board, EOHHS.
CME credit is available for these CSC meetings.