Medicaid Pediatric Healthcare Recovery Program Results

  • 13 Nov 2023

Beginning in October 2022, Medicaid, in partnership with CTC-RI, offered an extended 12-month incentive program to improve Immunization and Lead Screening Results. Payments were contingent on practices meeting Immunization and Lead Screening targets or demonstrating prescribed improvement. Here are how the practices performed over the 12-month program:

Payment Reporting Periods

% of Practices Meeting 3 out of 4 Targets / Improvement Targets

October 2022 (Baseline)

100% for participation

January 2023


April 2023


July 2023


October 2023


Practices received practice facilitation support, which consisted of focused practice-specific discussions on Immunization and Lead Screening performance results, as well as practices’ needs around responding to behavioral health concerns. As a group, childhood immunizations (including lead screenings) improved across all categories.  










In addition, practices were paid to participate in a six-month ECHO Behavioral Health (BH) Learning Initiative. Recordings and presentations can be found here (under the Medicaid Pediatric Healthcare Recovery Program banner). 100% of the practices met the payment requirements for BH ECHO participation.

This project resulted in $7.3 million funded through the American Rescue Act, paid to pediatric and family medicine practices.

Sincere thanks to Amy Katzen from EOHHS, our practice facilitators: Sue Dettling, Suzanne Herzberg, and Kim Nguyen-Leite, our CTC-RI Data Analyst Carolyn Karner, the Lead Program, and the KIDSNET Team!

Thank you to the practices that participated in this program for keeping Rhode Island children healthy.