Call for Applications: Delivering Age-Friendly Care Implementing the 4M Model and Supporting Care Partners of People with Dementia: A Path to 1 or Level 2 Recognition from the Institute for Health Care Improvement

  • 17 Jul 2024

The Care Transformation Collaborative of Rhode Island (CTC-RI), in collaboration with the Rhode Island Department of Health (RIDOH) and United Health Plan, is pleased to offer $5,000.00 in funding to six practices or organizations to participate in a six-month quality improvement initiative using the Age-Friendly Health System 4M framework to improve care for older adults and people living with dementia. During this initiative, practices will participate in one of the following levels:

  • Level 1: Practices will prepare to implement the 4M approach to age-friendly care for patients 65+ and achieve Level 1 recognition through the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI).
  • Level 2: Practices that already have Level 1 recognition will review their 4M processes, test the processes across the practice, and track implementation so that they can apply for Level 2 recognition.

Additionally, each practice will develop or expand their identification of care partners of patients with dementia and provide them with education and referrals to additional support. Progress will be indicated through use of a measure provided by the American Academy of Neurology.

Project activities will begin September 10th, 2024 and continue for six months. Applications are due by August 15th, 5PM.

Click here to view our full flyer and for more information on how to apply!