Improving Child Health in RI July Quarterly Meeting

  • 15 Jul 2024

CTC-RI and PCMH Kids welcomed pediatric practices and stakeholders to the July "Improving Child Health in RI" meeting. Dr. Gregory Fox provided an update on the Asthma Quality Improvement Project, sharing firsthand experiences and key outcomes on improving coordination and communication with school nurses with a focus on sharing action asthma plans and missed days of school. Dr. Liz Cantor reviewed the RISE-PC framework as an alternative framework to NCQA’s IBH distinction, asking participants to weigh in on whether the framework seemed doable and would lead to better health care for patients. Anyone with additional feedback on the RISE-PC framework, should direct them to Dr. Cantor at Debra Hurwitz concluded the meeting with an update on the legislative proposals established to increase primary care capacity in RI. For those that might have missed July’s Improving Child Health in RI meeting, here is the PPT and recording.

Please join us on August 1 and September 5, 7:30-8:00AM for Coffee with Pat & Beth. Our next Improving Child Health in RI meeting is October 3, 7:30-8:30AM.