May Clinical Strategy Committee Hosts Ann Greiner, Focuses on Investments in Primary Care
In May, CTC’s Clinical Strategy Committee Meeting hosted Ann Greiner, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Primary Care Collaborative. Ann talked about PCC’s Better Health — Now Campaign, which focuses on securing policy change that improves the health and well-being of patients by increasing investments in primary care and promoting primary care payment models that ensure all communities have access to care.
Follow up reactants and discussion were lead by Dr. Peter Hollman, MD, Brown Medicine, Debra Hurwitz MBA, BSN, RN, Executive Director, CTC-RI, Pat Flanagan, MD, FAAP, Hasbro Children’s Hospital and Beth Lange, MD, FAAP, Coastal Medical / Waterman Pediatrics . Special attention was given to the RI Cost Trend Compact and coinciding recommendations. The meeting concluded with a robust open Q&A and discussion about what we can learn from other states, required policy change and the future of solo practices.
To view the recording, find additional resources and claim CME credit, check out our page on CME coursework.