Upcoming Clinical Strategy Committee meetings

  • 09 May 2024

Our upcoming Clinical Strategy Committee meetings are bringing together partners from the state, clinical leadership, and community partners to discuss important updates regarding primary care spend, RI health and business trends, behavioral health updates, and updated payment policies. On Friday May 17, we will be hearing about new clinical research opportunities from Neil Sarkar, President and Rhode Island Quality Institute Chief Executive Officer. In addition, Al Charbonneau, RI Business Group on Health Executive Director, will be discussing the recent report on drivers of healthcare costs for Rhode Islanders. Cory King, RI Health Insurance Commissioner, will also report out on the primary care spend and pediatric behavioral health updates. In June, we will hear updates on the RISE-PC (Reaching Integration and Supporting Excellence in Primary Care), alternative model of behavioral health distinction as well as the proposed integrated behavioral health per-member-per-month model.

Click here to join the Zoom link for the Clinical Strategy Committee meeting.