CTC launches Advance Directive Learning Collaborative with 10 organizations
With funding from the State Innovation Model, Rhode Island Quality Institute is contracting with CTC to host an Advance Directive Learning Collaborative for the 10 participating organizations who will be testing the use of "KnowMyHealthRI" (KMHRI) as a registry for ensuring that end of life wishes are documented and accessible to the medical community. A kickoff meeting was held on January 17th with Jay Elias, Esq. presenting on "Legal and Ethical Issues in Advance Directives and MOLST" (email CTC-RI@ctc.ri.org to request a presentation copy). Peggy Menna and Andrea Levesque with RIQI provided practices with information (click here for a brochure | consumer resources | patient guide | staff guide) on implementing the KMHRI platform within the practice/organization settings. Russ Cooney with Healthcentric Advisors and Jen Ritzau, MD with Hope Hospice provided information on available patient and provider advance directive training opportunities. Learning Collaborative sessions are open to other primary care practices/organizations, and the next meeting is February 21st at RIQI with Jen Ritzau presenting on "Having End of Life Discussions."