Rhode to Equity January Momentum Session
The Rhode to Equity Initiative teams have been hard at work for over 6 months focusing on their respective aims within their communities and utilizing the pathways to population health framework. On January 6, the 6 health equity zones (HEZs), along with their partners (accountable entities, primary care clinics, community health teams, community-based organizations, and individuals with lived experience of inequities) were able to come together and share their project progress with one another. The Rhode to Equity evaluators (Dawn Chorus Group) presented on the evaluation results thus far, key findings, and surprises. The teams were able to consider these results and suggest ideas for Year 2 of the project during interactive sessions using Google Jamboard. CTC-RI, EOHHS, RIDOH, and the WE in the World Team will incorporate feedback as we plan for Year 2 of the Rhode to Equity. (Zoom Recording)