Online IBH Practice Facilitation Training Program

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New Online Integrated Behavioral Health (IBH)

Practice Facilitation Training Program being offered


Behavioral Health Clinicians (Psychologists, Therapists, Social Workers, Nurses) interested in helping  organizations and primary care  teams develop their skills and processes to integrate behavioral health services into their practice environment are encouraged to apply. The course is ideally designed for any clinician or nurse who has worked in a behavioral health setting and has experience integrating behavioral health  within primary care that wishes to advance their career to become an integrated behavioral health practice facilitator.

What you can expect:

  • Participants will receive a reference manual with course readings
  • 4 online training modules for self-study with reading and homework assignments
  • Module post-tests to help participants understand level of comprehension
  • Monthly calls with Dr. Burdette, CTC’s Senior IBH program leader and course Instructor
  • Continuing social work education credits, approval pending by NASW for 7 CEU credits
  • Approximately 24-hour time commitmentAdditional

Cost for Onsite IBH Shadowing: $750

Advanced: Onsite IBH Shadowing (Optional) Highly recommended and unique add-on to the course includes a live shadowing component in which Dr. Burdette schedules your organization for an initial practice facilitation session with the course participant observing and then a follow-up practice facilitation session with Dr. Burdette shadowing the course participant. Shadowing rate is currently available to Rhode Island only, but please inquire if interested in out-of-state shadowing. Schedule to be arranged with Dr. Burdette.
Additional Cost for Onsite IBH Shadowing: $750

Instructor:  Nelly Burdette, Psy.D., Senior Integrated Behavioral Health Program Leader, Care Transformation Collaborative-Rhode Island (CTC-RI). Dr. Nelly Burdette has more than 15 years’ experience within integrated behavioral health clinical and leadership positions. She has created Integrated care programs at federally-qualified health centers, community mental health centers, and the Veteran’s Administration for pediatric, family medicine and adult populations. From positions in senior leadership to providing clinical services embedded within medical practices, she has provided integrated behavioral health training and supervision to interdisciplinary medical teams. In her current roles, Dr. Burdette is the Associate Vice President of Integrated Behavioral Health at Providence Community Health Centers, the largest federally qualified health center in Rhode Island and serves in both a leadership and clinical role. She has also been serving as a senior content expert and integrated behavioral health practice facilitator for CTC-RI for the past 4 years. 

Next Course Available: March, 2020 (space limited)   
Applications and CVs/Resumes due by: February 24, 2020
Another Training program will be offered in the Fall, 2020.

Note: This training program assumes you already have an understanding of integrated behavioral health.

For more information go to and click on the IBH Practice Facilitator Training section or contact: Carolyn Karner, CTC IBH & PCMH Kids Program Coordinator at or 978-852-2250.

Our Mission

The mission of CTC-RI is to support the continuing transformation of primary care in Rhode Island as the foundation of an ever-improving integrated, accessible, affordable, and equitable health care system.  CTC-RI brings together critical stakeholders to implement, evaluate and spread effective multi-payer models to deliver, pay for and sustain high-quality, comprehensive, accountable primary care.