Adult Integrated Behavioral Health Pilot Program Updates
In January of 2016, CTC launched the Integrated Behavioral Health (IBH) Pilot Program for Adult practices and selected twelve sites that committed to improve patient screening for depression, anxiety and substance use disorder (SUD), improve access to on-site behavioral health care, and improve care coordination for patients with high emergency department usage and for patients with severe mental illness.
The five practices that were part of Cohort 1 are finishing up their deliverables which included a Plan, Do, Study, Act (PDSA) for improving screening/rescreening rates; a PDSA for population health plan for patients with high ED usage and BH overlap; and a PDSA for population health with chronic condition and behavioral health. The cohort 2 practices will use the same methods, but will complete them in the coming months. The program end date is October of 2018.
We are also very excited about the IBH data that we received from the All Claims Payer Data Base (APCD) which shows total cost of care per member per month (graph below).
The IBH adult pilot program is made possible through funding from Tuft Health Plan, the Rhode Island Foundation (RIF), and the Rhode Island State Innovation Model (SIM).