Pediatric/Adult Primary Care Health Care Transfer of Care Quality Improvement Initiative

  • 15 Jul 2024

The pediatric and adult primary care practices participating in the Health Care Transfer of Care Quality Improvement initiative attended a Learning Collaborative meeting in June where adult practices shared how they were engaging young adults to prevent “no show” visits and how they’re using the young adults’ priorities and goals identified with pediatricians in their first visits with the adult providers. Both Pediatric and Adult practices reported out on their successes, challenges and ideas for sustainability. A common theme heard by both adult and pediatric providers was their limited capacity for accepting new patients. Overall, feedback from the young adults has been very positive with the transition process. Jackelyn Aldana and Sheila Santos from RI Parent Information Network (RIPIN) wrapped up the meeting by reviewing the Cedar program.

Final Learning Collaborative meeting is October 22, 7:30-8:30AM. Special thanks to UnitedHealthcare and RIDOH for providing the funding for this initiative.