Workforce Development in Action: CTC-RI Kicks Off Rhode Island College Senior Nursing Student Pilot with Nurse Care Manager Preceptors and G-Learn
In January, CTC-RI kicked off its pilot nursing student program. Four students were placed in primary care practices as part of a pilot project between Rhode Island College of Nursing and CTC-RI which is designed to introduce senior nursing students to the nurse care manager role in primary care. As part of their clinical experience, nursing students will complete online modules that were developed by Geisinger Healthcare System to train their own nurses in primary care to assume the role of nurse care manager in the patient-centered medical home practice setting. Each week, the students are completing online modules and then discussing the information with Jayne Daylor RN MS, a CTC-RI G-Learn faculty member who has an extraordinarily rich and diverse background in primary care. The discussions are focused on helping the students apply the modules to their primary care community clinical experience. As part of this experience, students are tasked with completing a home visit and a capstone project. This pilot was developed with support from Karen Bouchard, MSN, RN, APHN, CRRN, CCM, Adjunct Professor, Public/Community Health Nursing, Rhode Island College, and Ginette G. Ferszt PhD, RN, PMHCNS-BC, FAAN, a consultant and pilot evaluator along with CTC-RI project management staff. Many thanks to our placement sites and preceptors at Coastal Medical, RI Primary Care Physicians Corporation and East Bay Community Action Program, Inc. Funding for this pilot was provided by UnitedHealthcare.