CTC-RI Celebrates with Rhode to Equity Teams at Biannual Conference
In December, CTC-RI was pleased to support the 1st in-person convening of the Rhode to Equity (R2E) project which began in July 2021. RIDOH and EOHHS are funders and key partners in this project. There were 6 multi-stakeholder teams coming together to address health inequities in their communities. Approximately 100 people gathered at the Boys and Girls Club of Pawtucket, including R2E team members, state agency staff, managed care organization staff, community health workers and other relevant stakeholders.

talks about the history of racial discrimination Providence's reparations plans.
Highlights of the day included subject matter expert sessions with national and local leaders on healthy housing, food justice, and housing first models. Keith Stokes, Director of Business Development for the City of Providence provided the keynote presentation. In his role at the City, he advances a social and economic justice process that will strategically deploy federal American Rescue Plan Act funds in neighborhoods and city populations that have faced historical racial discrimination practices that have been exacerbated through the COVID-19 pandemic. He shared the history of slavery in RI and its impact on current day racial injustice and inequities.
Valerie Tutson, Executive Director, RI Black Storytellers, led the group in an exercise to amplify the power of storytelling to give people agency and voice. Attendees practiced both telling and listening to stories.
The day ended with everyone reflecting on what they were going to take away from the conference proceedings and incorporate into their R2E projects. We look forward to the next in-person meeting in June 2023!