Medicaid Pediatric Relief Fund Provides Financial and Technical Assistance Support for Pediatric Primary Care Practices
Pediatric primary care is the clinical setting where children receive critical preventive services which have been deferred by many families because of the COVID-19 public health emergency. Thanks to ARPA funding and support from EOHHS, 44 practices, providing primary care to RI Medicaid-covered children, successfully applied to the Medicaid Pediatric Healthcare Recovery Program and will receive payments based on the number of RI Medicaid-covered children served by the practice and contingent on demonstrating pay-for-reporting and performance improvement on child and adolescent well-child visits and for participation in technical assistance related to developmental, psychosocial, and behavioral health screening. An important component of well-child visits is immunizations and lead screening. Practice facilitators are available to guide practices on how to use KIDSNET data and well-child visit data to improve outcomes and well-child care for children and families. This support is critical so that primary care providers can ensure continued access to preventive care and support the staffing and infrastructure needed to rebound from COVID-19-related delays in care.
The following meetings have been set up to address the technical assistance requirements of the Medicaid Pediatric Healthcare Recovery Program related to developmental, psychosocial, and behavioral health screening. Intended audience for these meetings, open to all of the CTC-RI community, include providers, nurse care managers, care coordinators, behavioral health clinicians, and other staff are welcome.
April 7, 7:30-8:30AM Brief Intervention Training for Pediatric Staff In this learning session, practice staff will learn some basic, brief interventions for adolescents who present with symptoms of anxiety/depression, e.g. behavioral activation, patient/family education about BH conditions, basic CBT (including scripts for how to present information to parents/teens). This is intended to provide practice staff with tools for supporting their patients while they wait for BH services to begin. Handouts/resources will be provided. Meeting ID: 959 6302 4930; Passcode: 646876;
One tap mobile: +16468769923,,95963024930#,,,,,,0#,,646876#
April 19, 8:00-9:30AM Impact of COVID on Children's Social-Emotional Development In this learning session, we will provide a framework of social-emotional development and how younger children’s achievement of developmental tasks may have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. We will discuss how practice staff can help parents understand what their kids missed, why they may be behind, and what they can do to help (and what they don't necessarily have to worry about). We encourage participants to bring specific cases or questions to the session. Meeting ID: 935 7286 7243; Passcode: 646876;
One tap mobile: +16468769923,,93572867243#,,,,,,0#,,646876#
May 12, 7:30-9:00AM Behavior Plan Basics In this learning session, we will provide training on how to help parents create a basic behavior plan for younger kids with disruptive behaviors and behavioral contracts that support healthy routines in older children, e.g. sleep, managing electronics. We encourage participants to bring specific cases or questions to the session. Handouts/resources will be provided. Meeting ID: 959 2449 8814#; Passcode: 646876#
One tap mobile: +13017158592,,95924498814#,,,,,,0#,,646876#
Attendance will be tracked through completion of an evaluation form.
Application for CME credit will be filed with the American Academy of Family Physicians. Determination of credit is pending.