At the beginning of this month, 10 practices were selected for our Optimizing Team-Based Care initiative. This project, funded by UnitedHealthcare and in partnership with the Art of Medical Leadership (AML), extends beyond the traditional leadership-focused training to engage the entire primary care team in building collaboration, trust, and sustainable care practices.
On February 25th, CTC-RI and Foundation for Integrated Care (FIC) launched year two of the Expanding Pediatric IBH Capacity project, generously funded by Blue Cross Blue Shield of RI. We welcome 3 new practices to the initiative: Santiago Pediatrics, Aquidneck Pediatrics, and Medical Associates of Rhode Island – Bristol.
After a debrief on the March 4th Legislative Education Session (see a complete review of the session in this newsletter!), Taskforce members first heard from Sam Salganik, Executive Director, Rhode Island Parent Information Network (RIPIN), about advocacy efforts to expand the state’s primary care insurance rate review process proposed in the 2025 Governor’s budget. Mr.
Our primary care transformation efforts often include the support and partnership of statewide community-based organizations (CBOs). CTC-RI is spotlighting a different CBO monthly to recognize and appreciate their work in our communities. This month, we spoke with Beth A.
During the 2024 General Assembly session, legislation was passed to enhance curriculum and clinical training to support and strengthen primary care.
The mission of CTC-RI is to support the continuing transformation of primary care in Rhode Island as the foundation of an ever-improving integrated, accessible, affordable, and equitable health care system. CTC-RI brings together critical stakeholders to implement, evaluate and spread effective multi-payer models to deliver, pay for and sustain high-quality, comprehensive, accountable primary care.