News and Articles

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CTC and PCMH-Kids Portal Redesign

  • 30 Apr 2019

CTC has redesigned our practice secured portal! Upon successful login, practices can easily navigate the portal to either submit data, or view data displays, resource documents and announcements. Users can submit quality measures, high-risk reporting, and quarterly provider/care coordinator staff updates via links located in our "Data Input" section.

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Podcast: "Getting to the Core Issues"

  • 30 Apr 2019

CTC was highlighted in the "Getting to the Core Issues" RI Free Radio podcast series which focuses on innovators whose healthcare delivery models will transform the current healthcare system into one of high-value care and lower cost. In a three-part series, Debra Hurwitz, CTC Executive Director, focuses on physician practice and payment transformation from volume to the value of care.

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CTC Partners with American College of Physicians to Improve Primary Care and Specialist Referral System

  • 30 Apr 2019

The High-Value Care Coordination (HVCC) project is designed to help primary and specialty care practices implement changes around the referral system. Developed by the American College of Physicians (ACP) in collaboration with specialty and primary care practices and patient advocates, the HVCC training helps practices implement changes benefitting the specialist practice, referring clinicians,

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Help shape the direction of our 2019 Annual Conference!

  • 29 Mar 2019

Each year CTC hosts an Annual Conference that brings together our primary care community and stakeholders to learn about "what matters most" in primary care and promising practices. As we begin our planning process for our Annual Conference this year being held on October 24 at the Crowne Plaza in Warwick, we are seeking your input to ensure the program will reflect your needs.

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Our Mission

The mission of CTC-RI is to support the continuing transformation of primary care in Rhode Island as the foundation of an ever-improving integrated, accessible, affordable, and equitable health care system.  CTC-RI brings together critical stakeholders to implement, evaluate and spread effective multi-payer models to deliver, pay for and sustain high-quality, comprehensive, accountable primary care.