Call for Applications: NCQA Behavioral Health Distinction Readiness
CTC-RI / PCMH Kids is pleased to offer an opportunity to apply for funding that will assist practices with achieving NCQA Behavioral Health Distinction.
CTC-RI / PCMH Kids is pleased to offer an opportunity to apply for funding that will assist practices with achieving NCQA Behavioral Health Distinction.
Beginning this spring, the Rhode to Equity project has a new component: each of the 6 participating teams will be engaging up to 3 community health workers (CHWs) to support the work that they are doing to address health disparities rooted in systemic inequities. CTC-RI is also excited to bring Latino Health Access (LHA) into the project. LHA will work alongside Dr.
As CTC-RI’s 4th round of the GLearn NCM/CC Core Curriculum program closes, the learners' post-program evaluations highlighted the most valuable program parts. Of the 40 respondents, 90% said that they improved their care/case manager skills, and 70% said that they gained greater disease-specific knowledge.
Pediatric primary care is the clinical setting where children receive critical preventive services which have been deferred by many families because of the COVID-19 public health emergency. Thanks to ARPA funding and support from EOHHS, 44 practices, providing primary care to RI Medicaid-covered children, successfully applied to the Medicaid Pediatric Healthcare Recovery Program and will receiv
Please join CTC–RI/PCMH Kids in congratulating the most recent group of 48 nurse care managers who completed the 12-week gLearn NCM Core Curriculum! Representing every system of care in the state, the learners prepared a capstone presentation and shared their work at our NCM/Care Coordinator Best Practice Sharing meetings:
The January Clinical Strategy Committee (CSC) meeting featured presentations by 2 guests to RI: Vicki Loner, MS, CEO of OneCare Vermont discussed the development of the single statewide accountable care organization in VT and related implications for RI: OneCare Vermont, VT's ACO – Learning about the APM Experience.
The mission of CTC-RI is to support the continuing transformation of primary care in Rhode Island as the foundation of an ever-improving integrated, accessible, affordable, and equitable health care system. CTC-RI brings together critical stakeholders to implement, evaluate and spread effective multi-payer models to deliver, pay for and sustain high-quality, comprehensive, accountable primary care.