Update on Medicaid Pediatric Healthcare Recovery Program – Year 2

  • 10 Nov 2022
Practices participating in this year’s program should have received their 1st payment for participation. 2nd payment is scheduled for early February and is contingent on meeting 3 out of 4 Immunization & Lead Screening targets or improvement targets based on January 15 KIDSNET data. Practices can expect to receive monthly KIDSNET reports around the 18th of the month with a status of practice’s eligibility for payment based on achievement of targets or improvement targets. Practice Facilitators are armed with resources and best practice strategies to help practices achieve their goals, so please take advantage of this support offered to you.

Here are some lead resources that may help:

With questions, please reach out to Medicaid Recovery Program Office, OHHS.PediRelief@ohhs.ri.gov or Carolyn Karner, ckarner@ctc-ri.org.