Restrictive Eating ECHO Series Kickoff
In September, CTC-RI, supported by UnitedHealthcare funding, launched a new ECHO program titled "Increasing Access to Care for Children and Adolescents with Restrictive Eating Disorders by Optimizing Integrated Behavioral Health Care." The participating practices are Aquidneck Pediatrics, East Greenwich Pediatrics, Atlantic Pediatrics, Bald Hill Pediatrics, Barrington Pediatric Associates, Toll Gate Pediatrics, Coastal Medical Narragansett, and Smithfield Pediatrics.
Dr. Christina Tortolani from Rhode Island College is the subject matter expert partnering with us on this project. Her first session was “Eating Disorders 101" and she will lead the majority of the monthly ECHO sessions over the next 12 months. The Integrated Behavioral Health Clinicians from the practices will receive special consultation to become familiar with Family-Based Treatment, the gold standard of treatment for eating disorders among children and adolescents.