CTC-RI Clinical Strategy Committee Meetings
The September Clinical Strategy Committee (CSC) meeting featured a special Regional Team Component of the Community Health Team (CHT) Hybrid Model – Addressing Health-Related Social Needs (HRSN) for All Rhode Islanders. Craig Jones, MD reviewed consensus design principles for CHTs in the Hybrid Model. Shared learning and common reporting among all CHTs statewide is an important aspect. Samantha Morton, JD, CEO of MLPB, presented on “Social Health, Prevention Imperatives, and Evolving Care Teams – Thoughts on Design Principles” and highlighted the importance of legal and ethical considerations for community health workers.
CSC members also participated in discussion around “Workforce Development Challenges and Opportunities – How to Build Resilient Primary Care Teams”. Due to the brewing “crisis” in hiring and retaining workforce, there was the need to hear from systems of care and practices on their issues and concerns; what has been helpful to date (modifications of quality reporting targets, etc.); and short- and long-term options. There are healthcare workforce shortages in RI, and nationally. This is putting extra stress on the clinical teams including medical assistants, nurses, and IBH clinicians. Increasing demand for CHWs also will present challenges and potential opportunities. Training and recruitment would benefit from a coordinated, statewide approach. MLPB will partner with CTC-RI and RIDOH through a new CDC grant, CHW Association of RI (CHWARI), to provide HRSN/SDOH-focused CHW training. Rick Brooks, Executive Director R.I. Governors Workforce Board, EOHHS, was an invited guest and joined the conversation.
The October 15 CSC meeting will include a workforce well-being follow-up with presentations on the “Survey of Clinician Well-Being” conducted this past summer through the CTC-RI Preventing Avoidable Hospital Use Project, and a RIDOH overview of the CDC award, “Community Health Workers for COVID Response and Resilient Communities”. Another topic to be addressed will be “Improving Identification of Disparities within Local Communities”, an RIQI grant from CDC working with CHWs for community member engagement.
CME credit is available for these CSC meetings.