Two CTC-RI Workforce Development Efforts: Nurse Care Manager GLearn Core Curriculum Training and URI Nursing Student Primary Care Pilot

  • 16 Sep 2024

CTC-RI is excited to have accepted five nurse care managers (NCM) into its fall 2024 cohort of Nurse Care Manager/GLearn Training. Throughout the training, the NCMs will complete online modules that were developed by Geisinger Healthcare System to train their own nurses in primary care to assume the role of nurse care manager in the patient-centered medical home practice setting. NCMs will also meet with Kateri Buerman, RN, BSN, NCM faculty to discuss the course content and apply the modules to their roles as NCMs in adult and pediatric primary care.

Additionally, CTC-RI kicked off its second cohort of URI senior nursing students who are assigned to NCM primary care preceptors and who will participate in the NCM/GLearn Training Program with the aim of introducing nursing students to the NCM role in primary care. As part of their clinical experience, nursing students will complete an abbreviated set of GLearn modules and meet bi-weekly with Jayne Daylor RN MS, a CTC-RI NCM faculty. The discussions are focused on helping the students apply the content to their primary care community clinical experience. As part of this experience, students are tasked with completing a home visit and a capstone project.

This pilot was developed with support from Christine McGrane, PhD, RN, CNE, Clinical Assistant Professor, College of Nursing, URI, Dahianna López, PhD, MSN, MPH, RN, Assistant Professor, College of Nursing, and Ginette Ferszt PhD, RN, PMHCNS-BC, FAAN, Consultant, Pilot Evaluator and CTC-RI project management staff. Many thanks to our placement sites and preceptors at Aquidneck Pediatrics, The Miriam Hospital and Coastal Medical including Chelsea Sylvaria, Meghan Wood, RN, Jennifer Nappi, and Jamie Ferris RN, CLC. Funding for this pilot was provided by UnitedHealthcare.