CTC-RI Best Practices in Team-Based Care "Improved Communication between School Nurses and Pediatrics for Better Management of Students' Medical Conditions"
CTC-RI hosted a September session of the Best Practices in Team-Based Care series "Improved Communication between School Nurses and Pediatrics for Better Management of Students' Medical Conditions". This meeting provided practical tools to strengthen collaboration between pediatric practices and school nurses, focusing on improving care for students with chronic conditions such as asthma. We were honored to feature two professionals, who brought a wealth of knowledge and experience in pediatric care and school nursing: Dr. Maureen Crotty, Blackstone Valley Pediatrics and Dr. John Butler, Barrington Pediatric Associates. The school nurses included Bethany Goldberg, Community School, Tracey Bradley, Kent Heights School, Colleen O'Donnell, George J. West Elementary, Erika Iafrate, BSN, RN, NCSN, School Health Nurse Coordinator, RIDOH, and June Tourangeau, LPN/AE-C, CTC-RI Consultant. Key Topics Included strengthening communication and care coordination between pediatricians and school nurses, strategies for managing chronic conditions such as asthma in schools, and tools to enhance care delivery and reduce disruptions to students' learning. Our next Best Practices in Team-Based Care session will be held on October 15, 8:00-9:00 AM.