July Best Practices in Team-Based Care Program: “Motivational Interviewing for Cancer Navigators”

  • 16 Jul 2024

CTC-RI hosted our July Best Practices in Team-Based Care program meeting with a focus on motivational interviewing for cancer navigators. The webinar was led by Nelly Burdette, Psy.D, Director of Population Behavioral Health at Boston Medical Center and CTC-RI Senior Director of Integrated Behavioral Health. Dr. Burdette shared her extensive expertise in behavioral health and motivational interviewing and highlighted valuable strategies and practical techniques for healthcare professionals involved in cancer care including:

  • Research-based strategies for motivational interviewing with a focus on health equity.
  • Inclusive techniques that can be used by cancer navigators and community health workers (CHWs).
  • Stages of change to motivational interviewing through applied to cancer screening.

To watch the recording of this informative session, please click here. The next session in our "Best Practices in Team-Based Care" series will be held on August 20, 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM. More details will be shared soon.