Clinical Strategy Committee: June and July 2024

  • 14 Jun 2024

Our June Clinical Strategy Committee meeting will bring together partners from Bailit Health to review the Rhode Island AHEAD Model Application, to discuss RI’s progress and next steps.

We will also be hearing about a proposed alternative process to NCQA Behavioral Health Distinction, requested by OHIC, presented by Dr. Liz Cantor, CTC-RI, called “RISE-PC” (Reaching Integration and Supporting Excellence in Primary Care). In addition, Pano Yeracaris, CTC-RI Chief Clinical Strategist, will be discussing a proposed integrated behavioral health per-member-per-month (PMPM) rate for adults and pediatrics. The meeting will bring together state partners, community members, and clinical teams to discuss healthcare updates in Rhode Island. 

Coming up in July, we will be hearing updates from the MassHealth teams on their implementation of a primary care capitation plan, as well as an overview of the New York Department of Health about their Medicaid healthcare waiver with a focus on addressing Health-Related Social Needs.