Community Health Team Updates

  • 12 May 2020

Medical Legal Partership Boston Family Law 101

Through CTC-RI's contract with the Medical Legal Partnership of Boston (MLPB), on April 8, Community Health Teams (CHTs) participated in a "Family Law 101 virtual training." In this webinar, CHTs were able to learn how common family law issues impact child health and family well-being, become familiar with basic custody terms and child support obligations, and learn how to help the people they serve. During the last 15 minutes of the training, MLPB opened the conversation to a Q&A session on COVID-19. Amid this pandemic, many laws and regulations have temporarily changed and MLPB was able to provide resources and answer questions for CTC-RI's CHTs.


Community Health Teams are adapting to COVID-19

CTC-RI's Community Health Teams (CHTs) have demonstrated resourcefulness and a commitment to continuing to provide services and supports to high-risk individuals and families in numerous ways. CHTs are still accepting referrals for primary care. The vast majority of CHT staff are working remotely and connecting with clients by phone or video conferencing. Our CHTs are assisting with food insecurity, medication assistance, transportation, and general information on COVID-19 resources. CHWs and Peer Recovery Specialist are supporting clients in their recovery by directing them to online AA and NA meetings. They are also providing literature and coping mechanisms for those staying at home. The teams are constantly checking in on individuals and families as it is known that COVID-19 protocols and resources change on a daily basis. CHT staff have strong connections to community-based resources and are well positioned to provide quick responses to the social and behavioral health arising due to the COVID-19 pandemic. CHTs have shown innovation and flexibility in how they work with existing clients and with individuals newly in need of resources and support.