Nurse Care Managers Evaluate Glearn Workforce Care Manager Training Program and Offer Insight into NCM Retention
CTC-RI offered the GLearn Nurse Care Manager Core Curriculum for the fifth time this year. Nineteen learners representing thirteen different practices from across the state completed this year’s program. Learners represented a wide range of experience levels; some learners were brand new to nurse care coordination while others had years of experience. Over the course of twelve weeks, the learners completed a series of online modules tailored to their experience level and logged onto weekly group learning calls facilitated by RI-based program faculty. Learning culminated in each NCM giving a capstone presentation at the January or February Best Practices in Team-Based Care meeting.
Learners were asked to evaluate their experience with the GLearn course. 95% of learners reported that they improved their care or case management skills in the program, and 89% reported gaining greater disease specific knowledge. See figure 1 for more responses.
When asked what topics they would like continued support with, top responses were: decreasing patient non-adherence (53%), better managing patients with behavioral health challenges (47%) and helping decrease ED usage and hospitalization (47%). See figure 2 for more responses.
The evaluation also asked the learners about their experiences as a Nurse Care Manager and their suggestions for increasing retention rates of NCMs. When asked why they had become NCMs, many of them referenced the opportunity to build relationships with patients and focus on patient education. See figure 3 for all responses.
When asked for their ideas on improving NCM retention, access to ongoing education and training was cited in over half of the answers. Other common themes included increasing supports, clarifying role expectations, and increasing pay and other benefits. See figure 4 for all responses.
The NCM Core Curriculum program is funded by UnitedHealthcare and the RI Department of Health. This support allows us to offer the program to Rhode Island NCMs at no cost. CTC-RI partners with Geisinger to develop and implement the program. Geisinger developed online modules covering disease-specific content as well as care management and patient engagement skills. Participating learners are eligible to earn CEUs to demonstrate their increased mastery of these skills.