DULCE Quarterly Learning Collaborative Meeting
In March, CTC-RI hosted its quarterly DULCE Learning Collaborative. This meeting focused on sharing the progress from the five participating practices: Blackstone Valley Community Health Center, Tri-County, Care New England Toll Gate, Family Care Center, and Hasbro including enrollment of new families, sustainability planning, and what it means to take a universal approach to enrolling families. Practices were also asked to share case studies which reflected on the success of the interdisciplinary teams in supporting families. These teams include the providers, mental health providers, community health workers/family specialists, Medical Legal Partnership and partners from Rhode Island Association for Infant Mental Health. Teams shared case studies that demonstrated housing barriers, DCYF involvement, and enrollment in state benefits and how the interdisciplinary teams were able to support families by addressing these barriers. Funding was provided by Congressional Direct Spend, UnitedHealthcare, RIDOH, and Tufts Health Plan. View the recording and session presentation here.