CTC-RI Board of Directors Addresses Connection between Health and Housing
At the February 2020 CTC-RI Board of Directors meeting, there were a number of presentations around the vital role that access to safe, stable, and affordable housing plays in ensuring good health for children and families. Of the many social determinants of health, housing stability is among the most basic and influential. Matthew Collins, MD, EVP/CMO at BCBSRI presented on their Life Index / Housing Grants. This statewide survey of Rhode Islanders was aimed at understanding their perceptions of health and well-being in our state: 1. Measure Rhode Islanders’ perceived health and well-being, 2. Create easy to understand measures to monitor over time, and 3. Use to identify and develop priorities for collective action to improve health and well-being over time. UnitedHealthcare presentations included those from Barry Fabius, MD, CMO on Whole Person Care + (WPC+) Pilot Pre/Post PMPM (claims cost), and Rodrigo Olivares, CBHO/VP National Operations on Housing + Health Solution for Homelessness and Health Disparities, a data-driven, evidence-based solution that stabilizes high-need members who are experiencing homelessness. Libby Bunzli, MPH, presented on the EOHHS Housing Forum addressing how social determinants of health represent the largest opportunity to improve quality in Medicaid as housing instability and homelessness likely have the most profound impact on health outcomes and costs.