New Group of NCMs Completes the GLearn NCM Core Curriculum Program
Eighteen learners representing thirteen different practices from across the state completed the GLearn Nurse Care Manager Core Curriculum Training Program this month. Learners represented a wide range of experience levels; some learners were brand new to nurse care coordination while others had years of experience. Over the course of twelve weeks, the learners completed a series of online modules tailored to their experience level. They also logged onto weekly group learning calls facilitated by RI-based program faculty. Learning culminates in each NCM giving a capstone presentation at CTC-RI’s Best Practices in Team Based Care meeting.
This is the fifth year that CTC-RI has been able to offer this opportunity to Rhode Island nurse care managers. CTC-RI partners with Geisinger to develop and implement the program. Geisinger developed online modules covering disease-specific content as well as care management and patient engagement skills. Participating learners are eligible to earn CEUs to demonstrate their increased mastery of these skills.
The NCM Core Curriculum program is funded by UnitedHealthcare and the RI Department of Health. This support allows us to offer the program to Rhode Island NCMs at no cost. The second half of the learners will be presenting their capstone presentations on February 21 at 8am. This group is comprised of learners who work in family practices. If you would like to attend, please email Sarah Summers at for the Zoom invitation. You can review the first groups capstones, which were focused on adult patients, here.