Update: Clinical Strategy Committee

  • 07 Feb 2021

Phase 2 of the Care Delivery Design and Community Health Project kicked off at the January 15 Clinical Strategy Committee meeting. Moderated by Pano Yeracaris MD, MPH, CTC-RI Chief Clinical Strategist, the group discussed our project plans and reviewed a fishbone diagram that describes how CTC-RI’s multiple work areas build toward comprehensive primary care, and health system transformation and community health.

At the committee meeting, there was also an engaging presentation by Andrew Saal, MD MPH, Chief Medical Officer, Providence Community Health Centers entitled “Population Health – More than Just Primary Care Delivery: Innovation, Best Practices, and Musings from a Multi-Specialty Urban Community Health Center” The meeting concluded with detailed updates and open discussion on pandemic-related issues including the status of hospitals, primary care practices, and vaccination rollout.

In more Clinical Strategy Committee news, the Adult and Pediatrics Components of the Care Delivery Models for CPCC/TCOC and Best Practice Decks are updated and posted online: