Clinical Strategy Meeting Unveils Insights into State Approaches to HHS Primary Care Strategies

  • 06 Feb 2024

In a recent clinical strategy meeting moderated by Pano Yeracaris, MD, MPH, CTC-RI Chief Clinical Strategist, prominent speakers delved into the transformative landscape of primary care reform. Judith Steinberg, Former Senior Advisor to the Assistant Secretary for Health, provided a comprehensive overview of the federal Health and Human Services (HHS) strategy, setting the stage for a fantastic discussion.

Dr. Lauryn Walker, Chief Strategy Officer at the Virginia Center for Health Innovation, brought a unique perspective in her discussion on how the state of Virginia has strategically mapped out its primary care approach based on the HHS framework. She highlighted the pivotal role played by the Virginia Task Force on Primary Care which was initiated in 2020 in response to COVID-19. This task force also developed a policy tracking tool to help advance primary care initiatives in Virginia. Christopher Koller, President of the Milbank Memorial Fund, discussed the diverse responses of states to the HHS strategy, emphasizing the need for flexibility and adaptability.

The meeting's objectives were met with enthusiasm as participants engaged in a dynamic conversation. Attendees collectively explored the implications of HHS commitments for Rhode Island. View our CME page to see the recording, presentation and claim CME credits.