“Healthy Tomorrows” Closeout Meeting
“Healthy Tomorrows” Closeout Meeting
The Rhode Island Department of Health (RIDOH), in partnership with CTC-RI/PCMH Kids, successfully completed a five (5) year HRSA “Healthy Tomorrows” program whose goal was to improve communication and care coordination between the Family Visiting Program (FV) and Pediatric Primary Care Practices (PCMH Kids) with a specific focus on improving well child care.
In February, Cohort 4 practices and family visiting agencies reported out their successes and challenges. They shared heartwarming patient stories of successful collaborations between primary care practices and family visiting agencies that resulted in positive outcomes for patients and families. Sara Remington, RIDOH, presented family visiting metrics from participating family visiting agencies that demonstrated consistently higher performance than RI statewide averages. Additionally, survey results revealed greatly improved communications, teamwork and care coordination between family visiting and primary care practices.
Congratulations to the following practices and family visiting agencies for their participation and commitment to this 5-year program.
Practices Involved
Family Visiting Agencies Involved
Hasbro Pediatric Primary Care
Blackstone Valley FV – HFA and PAT
PCHC - Central
Meeting Street - HFA
Coastal Narragansett Bay Peds
Westerly PAT
CNE Family Care Center
Children’s Friend - HFA
Thundermist – West Warwick
Dr. Susan Stuart
Aquidneck Pediatrics
CCAP Health Center
“I think that this was a wonderful thing to be a part of and our high-risk patients certainly reaped the rewards” – provider feedback
Special thanks to Tufts Health Plan and Rhode Island Department of Health who provided funding for this important quality improvement initiative.