DULCE Learning Collaborative Celebrates Accomplishments and Looks at Sustainability

  • 16 Dec 2024

The month, the DULCE Learning Collaborative meeting provided valuable updates and insights on the ongoing work to improve family and child health outcomes. Participants discussed the latest progress on enrolling new families into the program and celebrating family graduations at the six-month timeframe, as well as the impressive improvements in health-related social needs screening rates and well-child completion rates. A key highlight was the discussion on the challenges and successes related to standing up community health worker billing, particularly addressing barriers to accessing Medicaid numbers for babies. The collaborative also shared innovative processes and workflow developments that are helping practices overcome these hurdles and better serve families. Additionally, the group explored new sustainability funding opportunities available to practices to support the ongoing DULCE work. This funding aims to ensure that the important work continues around well-child visits, screening for health-related social needs, and involving family specialists in these visits. Practices also reviewed their data, comparing their performance on well-child visits, screening rates, and family specialist attendance to national DULCE goals. View the materials from this session here. This work is funded by the RIDOH ECCS Grant, RIDOH HCBS Grant, UnitedHealthCare, Tufts Health Plan, and Congressional Direct Spend.