Healthy Happy Teams Presents at Board of Directors Meeting

  • 09 May 2024

At our April Board of Directors meeting, CTC-RI reviewed the recently completed project, “Healthy Happy Teams”. This was presented by Dr. Nelly Burdette, CTC-RI Senior Integrated Behavioral Health Program Leader and Boston Medical Center Director of Population Behavioral Health. We heard about the nine participating practices, their quality improvement projects across the nine months, and the results of their team assessments. The goal of this project was to strengthen team-based care in primary care practices, by promoting high-functioning teams, communication, and clear roles for all team members. The practices who completed the project reported feeling that their team communication is more effective, and that their team roles and expectations are clearer now, compared to before the project. This project was supported by funding from UnitedHealthcare. Click here to view the presentation materials.