Integrated Behavioral Health Committee Meeting Focuses on Statewide Investment in Behavioral Health Care
Marea Tumber, OHIC Principal Policy Associate, presented at the November quarterly IBH Committee meeting, outlining the next generation of affordability standards that are considering health plan behavioral health spending requirements. Marea fielded questions from the audience on these future plans, as well as current status of health plan policies that have been developed to comply with current IBH affordability standards. Charlie Estabrook, EOHHS Accountable Entity Program Manager, requested feedback from the IBH Committee members of a one-time HSTP investment opportunity for addressing behavioral health needs in the Accountable Entity program. He shared initial findings from interviews conducted thus far and asked if other areas should be considered for this funding source. Key stakeholders provided a number of suggestions and recommendations for his consideration. The presentations for this meeting can be found here.
There is no IBH meeting planned for December. The next IBH meeting, focused on pediatrics, will be January 13, 7:30-9:00AM.