Clinical Strategy Committee Update
The Clinical Strategy Committee provides an important multi-payer opportunity for systems of care, providers and health plans to learn from each other on ways to advance primary care in Rhode Island. Below are key topics that were discussed in September and October:
Karen Sciamacco, RN, BS, CCM, Optum Medical Clinical Operations presented on the UnitedHealthcare Optum Whole Person Care Program; and Stephanie Gill and Charlotte Crist, BS, RN-BC, CCM, BCBSRI on the BCBSRI PCMH performance assessment of Rhode Island sites. Drs. Pano Yeracaris, CTC-RI and Andrew Saal, PCHC led a discussion on the 2019-2020 Clinical Strategy Committee priorities which should be finalized by November. The general consensus from those in attendance determined the current areas of work should remain important, continued priorities.
Julie Silverstein, MD, FACP, Regional Medical Director, Oak Street Health discussed their comprehensive approach to caring for a subgroup of high-risk/vulnerable elderly. Lillian Nieves, PharmD and Andrew Saal, MD MPH presented on the October PCHC "Pharmacy Summit" and potential opportunities to address patient safety and administrative burden. UnitedHealthcare is providing funding to CTC-RI, who will collaborate with the URI College of Pharmacy and RI Department of Health, to lead a pharmacy quality improvement initiative, "Empowering the Safe, Effective and Efficient Use of Medications in Older Adults." An invitation has been extended for interested parties to participate in a Pharmacy Planning Committee that will assist with developing the work plan for the "Call for Applications" for the pharmacy initiative.
There was a report-out on the first meeting of the Dept. of Health-sponsored Transition of Care Workgroup, with 50 participants, including representatives from all hospitals, multiple state agencies, primary care and community-based clinicians, and stakeholders. The focus of the Workgroup is on hospital and ED to community provider communication. Three additional meetings are planned through mid-December. There is CTC-RI representation on the Steering Committee as reducing administrative burden and promoting safe care are key areas of focus for the Clinical Strategy Committee. An additional discussion was held regarding the EOHHS HIT strategy development. Representatives from the consulting firm Briljent are invited to the next Clinical Strategy Committee meeting to help further inform the HIT roadmap discussion.