Congratulations to Telehealth Learning Collaborative Practices

  • 17 May 2022

21 practice sites successfully completed the 12-month collaborative, “Using Technology to Improve Care for Patients with Chronic Conditions”.  There were 9 adult, 3 family medicine and 9 pediatric practices who expanded the use of technology to help patients better manage their chronic conditions. Cohort 1 practices participated from February 2021 – January 2022. The Cohort 2 wrap-up meeting was held in April with outstanding presentations on quality improvement efforts, outcomes and lessons learned. High-level results from this learning collaborative were shared and well received at the April CTC-RI Board of Directors. Results included improved access to care, patient satisfaction and reduction in ED/hospitalizations. Incentives included infrastructure payments ($15,000.00 per practice site) and incentive payments or $7,000 (single practice) or $5,000.00 (per practice site for multi-site). CTC-RI is very grateful for funding received through the CARES Act funding, UnitedHealthcare and RIDOH. The Northeast Telehealth Resource Center provided invaluable technical assistance.